Ursula Klinger
Ursula Klinger
Ursula Klinger started her job at punkt.de working from home 20 years ago, long before most of us began working remotely. Her first experiences with TYPO3 were with version 3.5, back in 2003.
When the circumstances call for it, she will happily reach into the TYPO3 code core – not to modify the core, but to extend the code.
In her leisure time, Ursula enjoys spending time with family and friends, plays board games, knits wonderful socks or explores the region on her bike.
10:00 - 10:45
Room "Sitegeist" (T20+T21)
* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change
During the event, we will take photos and shoot films for marketing purposes. They will be published on the Internet or in Social Media.