Can I get certified?
Yes, you can, even in the context of a premiere at T3DD22!
During the Developer Days, we will use our new "On-Location Digital Certifications Exam Tool" for the first time.
To reduce the manual effort for on-site exams (certifications at TYPO3 camps or in-house certifications), speed up exam results, and streamline the process with online certifications, the exam tool can now take digital on-site exams.
So visit our store, book your certification and get certified!
See you in Karlsruhe!
Which Corona rule applies during the Developer Days
The current regulation of the state of Baden-Würtemberg does not now provide for any restrictions on event operations. Specifically, this means there are no access restrictions and mask requirements during T3DD22.
So at this point, we can only appeal to the self and responsibility towards fellow human beings. If you feel ill, do a test to be on the safe side and stay away from the event if necessary.
We will work closely with the GenoHotel to clean the available tables several times daily, air the venues, and provide hand sanitizer dispensers.
Is it noisy in the evening hours or at night?
During the evening, people are sitting outside. We'll try to remind the attendees to behave respectfully, but we cannot ensure whether they do so. If you need to go to bed early, bring some earplugs.
Is there air conditioning?
We hope to have nice warm weather, but there are no air conditions. Some hotel rooms have a small balcony.
Can I bring my family?
Of Course. Please send us a short Notice to if you want to come with your family. We try to get some together, and then we want to offer a small family guidance for those days around.
Family rooms have special rates. Please check directly with the hotel. Thanks.
Further questions?