4th–7th August 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany
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Thomas Maroschik


Thomas is a partner and the CTO of DFAU GmbH, the creators of toujou, the TYPO3 website builder. He started working with TYPO3 in 2004, when he was still back in school. In 2008 he visited the Developer Days for the first time and was instantly hooked with the community. Later he became part of the TYPO3 Core Team, a role he had to give up in 2018 as personal priorities shifted.
Since the beginning he has been a technology evangelist in the community and his company, advocating for out of the box and first principles thinking.



05.08.2022 16:45 - 17:30 Room "zdrei.com" (T03)

* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change

During the event, we will take photos and shoot films for marketing purposes. They will be published on the Internet or in Social Media.