4th–7th August 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany
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Christian Keuerleber


Christian Keuerleber has been working full time for punkt.de since 2010. He is a Certified TYPO3 Integrator and is doing a bit of everything for TYPO3 and Neos projects.
He likes building frontend apps with React, Vue and the likes, but also programs backend code with PHP.
If he is not programming, he is mostly seen in contact with music - listening to it, dancing, or playing bass or drums


07.08.2022 10:00 - 10:45 Room "Sitegeist" (T20+T21)

* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change

During the event, we will take photos and shoot films for marketing purposes. They will be published on the Internet or in Social Media.